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Our feature rich construction management system will assist you to conduct a project from brief to completion

Construction Management System: Products


Getting the Price Right

A combination of our extensive product and plant database, together with a unique overhead and profit margin planning tools will pitch your project exactly where you want it

Blueprint Design


Resourcing for Progress

From our intelligent auto planning tool through to our innovative resource limiting and leveling tools, potential bottle necks, risks and availability are seen and managed

Project plan Gantt charts with shallow depth of field


Keeping within Budget

Getting the price right is only a start. Our linked procurement module allows you to keep track of your expenditure, comparing it with the estimate every step of the way

Open Laptop


Bringing in the Fees

Cashflow is the life-blood of any project. Our valuation module is data linked to the estimating and procurement modules making valuation of work obvious and not missing all those variations

Construction Engineer


Returning a Profit

Ever thought a project was making a profit until the last moment when the final bills sent you to a loss?
With our EVA module this will be a thing of the past. Know exactly where you are and see problems before they are obvious.

Analyzing the data
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